Last week's songwriting showcase was cancelled due because of a disagreement with the owner of The City Loft. The Cartersville Songwriters Exchange is meeting at the home of Randy and Patricia Owens for now. The search is on for a meeting place where we can perform our music. If you have an establishment and would like to help out the local talent, please contact us. Visit to find out more and to contact Randy.
I wrote a song this morning inspired by the Gershwin classic "Summertime". I hope I like it tomorrow. I found a handy website for songwriters struggling to find the right rhyme. It is an online rhyme finder that will provide one, two and three syllable rhymes as well as phrases that end with a rhyming word. As songwriters we are extremely fortunate to live in these times when so much is right there at our fingertips to help us develop as musicians and songwriters. The link to the online rhyme generator site is