Saturday, May 29, 2010

Update - Cartersville Songwriters Exchange's New Venue

Here are the details I promised to post regarding CSE's new meeting place, courtesy of Chris Hereth. I assume the meeting time will still be 7:30 PM. It looks as though the day of future meetings will be Wednesday. From Chris's post on the CSE Facebook page:

Okay folks, it's official! The Cartersville Songwriters Exchange has a new home! Starting on June 9th, the weekly CSE meetings will take place at The City Loft in downtown Cartersville! The Loft's owner, Bob Smith, has been gracious enough to not only let us use The Loft for the CSE meetings, but also a lot of other... cool stuff that we're working on for CSE members. (Details are soon to follow.)

And don't forget to check out Bob's restaurant, The City Cellar (which is downstairs from The Loft - appropriately enough), and enjoy some of the best food in Cartersville! Their website is Please check them and out and tell them we sent you!


  1. Yes, David, you are correct about Wednesdays being the new night for future CSE meetings. A lot of people that wanted to attend some previous Saturday night meetings couldn't make it due to the fact that they had some gigs lined up on Saturdays. Wednesdays should be a lot more accommodating. Thanks, Chris

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